30.04. - 10.05.2015

Open Mon-Sun, 2-9pm



Past projects


The film Stratification of the Moon starts with a word and displays some figures being written out. The figures measure the time, month, day, memory card number, film take. The pronounced words reveal three stories from past civil wars – two in Lebanon and one in the former Yugoslavia, namely the war for Slovenia. Two stories intertwine the childhood memories of a Lebanese film cameraman Pol Seif with the memory of a Slovenian with Bosnian roots, Sašo Stojič. The third story about heroic feats with different contents is narrated by Farid Chehab, the former producer and co-owner of the Leo Burnett Middle East agency. His narration is accompanied by fragments from films and his TV commercials existing at that time. All three narrations create a space and an opening for events and an international interdisciplinary art exhibition entitled Vertical Collisions. The stories are interrupted and the film, in a documentary-genre fashion, continues exploring disputes and issues related to the conflicts. Those disputes emanating from the exhibition and individual art disciplines as well as those emerging outside the gallery walls, along with the frictions and tensions among the multiple nationalities and religions in the society of Lebanon and, last but not least, also Slovenia. In times when the world has again lost its reason and the rug has been pulled out from under it, the Stratification of the Moon, with a touch of the lens, points directly into the crack and opens a crevasse leading into the last valuable oasis hosting a variety of cultures and religions. At a convenient distance, it not only creates but also gives meaning to a variety of art disciplines and decisions, which makes it the last, priceless part of the Vertical Collisions project/exhibition.


Screenwriter and director: Miha Vipotnik

Producer: FilRouge (Uroš Goričan)

Camera: Pol Seif, Hassan Salameh, Jad Tannous, Ghinwa Daher, Elias Daaboul, Gerard Daccache, Miha Vipotnik

Editors: Miha Vipotnik, Mark Abou Farhat, Gerard Daccache

Sound design: Judith Talj




Film Stratifikacija lune se prične z besedo in izpisanimi številkami. Številke merijo čas, mesec, dan, številko spominske kartice, filmsko klapo.  Med izrečenimi besedami se skrivajo tri zgodbe iz minulih državljanskih vojn - dveh v Libanonu in ene v bivši Jugoslaviji, vojne za Slovenijo. V dveh se prepletajo otroški spomini libanonskega snemalca filma Pola Seifa s spominom Slovenca z bosanskimi koreninami Saša Stojiča. Tretjo zgodbo o herojskih podvigih drugačnih vsebin pripoveduje bivši producent in solastnik agencije Leo Burnett Middle East  Farid Chehab.  Spremljajo ga odlomki iz filmov in njegovih televizijskih reklam iz tistega časa. Vse tri pripovedi oblikujejo prostor in ustvarjajo odprtino za dogodke in mednarodno interdisciplinarno razstavo z naslovom Vertikalni trki.  Zgodbe se prekinejo in film znotraj dokumentarističnega žanra nadaljuje raziskovanja razprtij in vprašanja konfliktov. Tistih razprtij, ki se pojavljajo ob razstavi in znotraj posameznih umetniških disciplin in tistih zunaj zidov galerije, ter trenj in napetosti znotraj družbe večnacionalnega in versko mešanega prebivalstva Libanona, nenazadnje tudi Slovenije. V času, ko svet spet izgublja razum in tla pod nogami, Stratifikacija lune z dotikom objektiva kaže v razpoko in odpira zev v zadnjo dragoceno oazo mešanih kultur in različnih ver. S primerno distanco tvori in tudi osmišlja raznotere umetniške panoge in odločitve in zato ostaja tudi zadnji in neprecenljivi del projekta/razstave Vertikalni trki.


Scenarist in režiser: Miha Vipotnik

Producent: FilRouge (Uroš Goričan)

Kamera: Pol Seif, Hassan Salameh, Jad Tannous, Ghinwa Daher, Elias Daaboul, Gerard Daccache, Miha Vipotnik

Montaža: Miha Vipotnik, Mark Abou Farhat, Gerard Daccache

Oblikovanje zvoka: Judith Talj



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